
Board Meeting Tips

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Jan 15

Board meetings are the backbone of any board of directors. These meetings bring together all members to work towards a collaborative effort of bettering an organization and helping it with its mission.

Too often, however, meetings are counted as unproductive and inefficient due to the lack of proper organization and communication before and after the meeting. Do members forget about meetings or drop their tasks once assigned in the meeting? Here, we’ll provide a few simple tips to help your board of directors have an effective board meeting – every time.

Tip #1: Plan Board Meetings Far in Advance

While this tip may seem simple, there are plenty of ways for meeting preparation and planning can go wrong. It’s important to plan the board meeting minutes ahead of time, as well as informing board members weeks (if not a month or more) in advance. Also, if your board of directors requires a reservation for a meeting venue, it’s important to schedule this as far in advance as possible.

Tip #2: Establish and Share the Meeting Agenda

One of the biggest time-wasters in board meetings is an off-topic discussion. It’s crucial to develop a board meeting agenda and stick to it. This will include the amount of time each topic has, who is presenting on said topic, and tells members exactly what to expect in an upcoming board meeting. More important than creating the board meeting agenda is sharing it with all board members prior to the board meeting to have time for review, questions, etc.

Tip #3: Establish Next Steps for Board Members

Board meetings are typically set up to begin planning for an association or organization’s next steps. However, in the midst of board member discussions, follow-up tasks and to-dos may be dropped or forgotten. Be sure to assign members their respective tasks (with a due date) to keep them from getting lost in the shuffle and harming your board in the long run.

Using Board Management to Stay on Track

Implementing the above can do wonders for your board meetings. Proper planning, collaboration, and coordination is important and you can do can do all of that (and more) with Board Management.

Board Management is a web-based collaboration tool created exclusively for a board of directors. Using our software, you’re able to communicate, collaborate, and plan among your board with ease. Through using our ever-evolving features, your life as a board member or director will be made simpler and easier – from one account.

With your Board Management account, you’ll have access to a variety of useful features, including a calendar with agenda area, file area, member directory, and so much more. To see a complete list of our features, click here!

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